I forgot to mention in my most recent post - I haven't worked in my art journal in quite some time. But I've decided to start a new project of drawing a self portrait every day, based on how I feel. I think today I am a manatee. Or some creature that feels confused and
subsequently fat and forgotten. Anyway, here is my last doodle I, um, doodled a couple of weeks ago.
i like the idea of a self portrait every day. If you do, will you post it on your blog?
thanks for visiting my blog. I could tell you snake stories that would really raise the hairs on the back of your neck...
i was thinking i would post them at the end of every week. this is, of course, if i keep up with this on a daily basis! (ps- i'll pass on the snake stories....shudder)
I love it.
i love love love this painting. and yes, you a much more a sun bear, not so much a manatee. ever.
my dearest cupcake, you constantly inspire me. thank you for all your kind words. your lovely blog, beautiful art & poetry, and confident Etsy shop are sparkling sprinkles on top of the glorious delicious cupcake you are.
all my love,
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